The PACS in Canada: we explain

The Pacs opens the doors to many prerogatives and thus attracts many individuals and couples enjoying French citizenship. The union gives access to social rights, such as a good insurance for the uninsured partner. It also grants a transfer right, ideal for public employees who work in a location geographically distant from their partner. What […]

Understanding the operation of the partnership of acquests

Partnership of acquests is one of the most popular matrimonial regimes in Canada. It delimits the perimeter of the property of the spouses. Its many prerogatives attract many couples. The regime favours the sharing of common property and tends to preserve the personal property of each individual within the household. However, the mechanism is not […]

Moral harassment within the couple

There are many causes of bullying in couples. A restriction at work, selfishness and the temporary deprivation of freedom awaken in some individuals a narcissistic pervert behavior. The stalker preys on a vulnerable and accessible person, i.e. his or her partner. What happens in the household when moral harassment causes trouble? A look back at […]

Civil marriage before a notary

In Canada, the solemnization of civil unions is not only the business of the clerks and the mayor. Many other officials recognized by law, such as municipal officials and borough council members, are also recognized officiants. Similarly, notaries are entitled to validate your civil union. Their intervention makes the terms of the marriage contract more […]

Matrimonial regimes in Canada

In Canada, civil union and marriage confront spouses with 3 choices in the context of a matrimonial regime: partnership of acquests, separation of property and community of property, in the context of drafting their marriage contract. These systems group together the matrimonial regimes existing in North America. What are their respective characteristics? A quick reminder […]

The marriage contract in Canada: What you need to know

The marriage contract materializes the agreements between the spouses. An optional but essential document, it evaporates doubts and dispels misunderstandings that could arise in the event of disagreement. It defines the management of household finances and dictates the distribution of property. Unaware of its importance, some couples hesitate to sign the paper. Understand the value […]